From this lesson you should learn:
What is involved in a premises cabling installation
The role of the contractor and installer
How to prepare for the installation
Proper installation techniques for premises cabling
Safety in cabling installation
Removing and recycling abandoned cabling
After the process of designing a premises cabling network
is completed, the next step is to install it. What do we
mean by the “installation process?” Assuming the design is
completed, we’re looking at the process of physically
installing and completing the network, turning the
design into an operating system.
The goal is this lesson is to learn the process of
preparing for the installation, getting proper training,
safety and then doing the actual installation work.
Student Assignment:
Read the references and take the quizzes (Test Your
Online FOA Reference:
Book Chapter:
FOA Reference Guide to Premises Cabling, Chapter 8
Basic Skills Labs
Test Your Knowledge:
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Premises Cabling! Now you can get your
"Certificate of Completion" online.
- Now
you have completed the Fiber U Premises
Cabling online self-study course, you
can take an online exam and, when you pass the
exam, get a "Certificate of Completion" for this
course. You should have completed all lessons
including taking the quiz ("Test Your
Comprehension") at the end of every lesson. When
you think you are prepared, you can take an
online exam for a nominal fee ($20) which will
give you a
"Certificate of Completion" for this course.

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to Lesson Plan