Fiber U 

Lesson 6. Cabling for Wireless  Level: Technician

Objectives: From this lesson you should learn:
The role of wireless in structured cabling systems
Different types of wireless systems
Why “wireless” is not “wireless”

Wireless In Structured Cabling Systems
What Is “Wireless”? Wireless uses radio frequency transmission to connect to the user - in effect replacing
patchcords, allowing the final connection to be done over the radio link. Wireless allows the user to roam unencumbered by cabling within the service area covered. There are numerous types of wireless networks in common use. No corporate network can probably be built without wireless today. But “wireless” is not “wireless” - it requires connecting wireless antennas into the rest of the premises network and that's what this lesson is all about.

Student Assignment:
Watch the video, read the references and take the quizzes (Test Your Comprehension)

FOA YouTube Video

Online FOA Reference:

Book Chapter:
            FOA Reference Guide to Premises Cabling, Chapter 6

Extra Credit Reading
Fiber for Wireless - WiFi, DAS, small cells, etc.

Test Your Knowledge:

Next:  Lesson 7: Designing Premises Networks        
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