
Lesson 1:
Introduction, The Basic Overview Of OSP Fiber Optics, Standards, Safety

Why use fiber optics?

Objectives: From this lesson you should learn:
What does “fiber optics” mean
How fiber was developed and used in communications
The difference between “outside plant” and “premises” fiber optics
Some advantages of fiber optics
What standards cover fiber optics
How to work with fiber safely

What is “Fiber Optics”?
Fiber optics refers to the technology of transmitting light down thin strands of highly transparent optical fibers, usually glass but sometimes plastic. Fiber optics is used in communications, lighting, medicine, optical inspections and to make sensors. The FOA is primarily interested in communications fiber optics, so this lesson will focus on that application. In addition, you will be introduced to the safety aspects of dealing with fiber optics because it is extremely important to understand what it takes to work safely with fiber.

Student Assignment:

Either read the chapter in the textbook, the web page linked on the online reference or watch the videos and take the quiz (Test Your Comprehension)

Book Chapter:
IMSA/FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics, Chapter 1

Online FOA Reference: Basic fiber optics overview  

FOA YouTube Video
FOA Lecture 1: Fiber Optics & Communications 
FOA Lecture 2: Safety When Working With Fiber Optics  

Test Your Knowledge:
Online Quiz
If you are using the textbook and prefer to take the Quiz at the end of Chapter 1,  check your answers here.

Next:  Lesson 2: Fiber Optic Jargon - The Language of Fiber Optics     

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